Safety Tips
Domestic Violence and Technology Safety Tips
If you or someone you know is the victim of domestic violence, the biggest concern is going to be the victim’s safety and staying safe. It is almost always impossible to know for sure when a situation might arise and escalate so it’s wise to think ahead and be prepared for any eventuality. We have some safety tips for you to consider while you are putting together your preparations.
When it comes to Domestic Violence and technology safety, trust your instincts. If you suspect an abusive person knows too much, it’s possible your phone, computer, email or other activities are being monitored. Abusers and stalkers can act in incredibly persistent and creative ways to maintain power and control. But you can reduce the risk.

If anyone who is abusive has access to your computer, they might be monitoring your activities. Spyware and keylogging programs are commonly available and can track what you do on your computer without you knowing it. To reduce this risk, use a ‘safer computer’ when looking for help or a new place to live etc. This could be a device at a library, community centre or at a friend’s house.
Our domestic violence safety tips include safety plans, coercive control checklist, cyber safety checklist, workplace safety tips, safe working environment, being aware of your surroundings, family members health and safety and victims of domestic violence and domestic abuse tips plus many more.
If you would like to ask us any questions about our Domestic Violence Safety Tips and Technology Safety Tips please feel free to contact us.
Various websites can also be a great resource for further Domestic Violence Safety Tips and Technology Safety Tips.
Domestic Violence and Technology Safety Tips

Deleting internet browser history

Changing your email and social media passwords

Children Online
Safety Checklist

Domestic Violence in the Workplace

Leaving a Domestic Violence relationship

Private Web

Update Privacy Settings on Social Media

Home Safety

Deleting social media accounts


Emergency Bag

Checklist after Financial Abuse

Actions a Perpetrator needs to take

Turning location settings off

Tips To Protect Your Home Wi-Fi Network

Privacy Settings on Social Media accounts
Technology Safety Services
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